Rue neuve
Other title(s): New street
Genre: Documentary film
Year: 1956
Runtime: 00:13:00
Description: Panorama of the Reconstruction in France ten years after the end of the WWII, the film shows the French towns and villages destroyed and rebuilt.
A panorama of the reconstruction of France ten years after the end of the Second World War, this commissioned film evokes the French cities and villages that were destroyed and then rebuilt in a style that respects tradition: Saint-Malo, Gien, Thionville, Ammerschwihr, etc., as well as the reconstruction that broke away from traditional architecture in Châtenay-Malabry, Arles, Saint Étienne, Évreux, Chambéry, Villeneuve-Saint-Georges, Abbeville, Le Havre, Marseille, Boulogne-sur-Mer, and Dunkirk. The documentary explains, for example, the way in which the reconstruction of Saint-Malo was carried out within the ramparts of the old city: "it is the fidelity to history and the strength of memory that guided the architect". In the same spirit, in Gien, three quarters of which was destroyed in 1940, only the castle built in 1494 for Anne de Beaujeu, the eldest daughter of Louis XI, was spared by the bombing. The city was rebuilt in the style of the few remaining buildings. Gien was raised from its ruins and the new harmonious ensemble was called the "Jewel of French Reconstruction". In a second time, the chapter of the construction of the housing estates and the big complexes is tackled, of the architecture of the revival described as "incontestably grandiose". If it is specified "one can like or dislike this style", the following argument prevails in the end: the big ensembles, it is the countryside in the city, a more airy, greener urbanism." (Text machine-translated)
Keywords: redevelopment / harbour / city center / old town / suburb / habitationsummerdispersed individualssocial gathering / celebratingseaside / tree / mountainside / countrysidemodern architecture / historical architecture / construction crane / public housing / Le Havre / Marseille / Algiers / Ammerschwihr / Évreux / Arles / Thionville / Saint-Malo / Ille-et-Vilaine / Gien / Châtenay-Malabry / Saint-Étienne / Dunkirk / Chambéry / Algeria / France / VICTOR-E project
Provider: Ministère de la Reconstruction et de l'Urbanisme
Rights: In Copyright / Ministère de la Reconstruction et de l'Urbanisme
Production company: Les Films Caravelle
Colour: Colour
Director: Jack Pinoteau
Sound: With sound
Document type:
Language: fr